Fallout new vegas vipers
Fallout new vegas vipers

fallout new vegas vipers

But they met heavy resistance and retreated from New Vegas as Mr.House formed alliance with tribes against them. From there they built a thriving gang that had huge influence in Mojave, the Great Khans. Papa Khan, a follower of Darion, led the remaining members to the Mojave Wasteland. The group expanded quickly due to his effort, but at the end, Darion was killed by the Chosen One, who was the grandchild of the Vault Dweller. He then formed a new gang called the New Khans. And it was pretty successful at first until the Vault Dweller rescue the founder of NCR (Tandi), and wiped out the Khans in the process.ĭarion, who was the only survivor of that incident, wanted to revenge against the Vault Dweller and Tandi. Generally speaking, Great Khans is the most 'productive' gang in Fallout.īack in Fallout 1, the Khans is one of the three gangs that came from Vault 15. Their main consumers are the Fiends and NCR.

fallout new vegas vipers

Unlike traditional raiders, Great Khans sustained themselves by producing drugs, hunt and farm besides robbing travelers or caravans. Originally founded by the father of Garl Death-Hand, Great Khans are by far the most organized gang in the wasteland, They live a nomadic/Mongolian lifestyle, such as using tents as shelter and carry all possessions with them. However, raiders in New Vegas have their own gangs, down below are some information/background of them.

fallout new vegas vipers

Raiders in Fallout 3 belongs to no specific factions, they seemed to have no connection between groups, the bandits in Fallout 3 had neither a history nor interesting facts to talk about, so I'll give it a pass. You might meet and kill many of them without knowing their story, that's why I'll tell you more information regarding to them. Raiders possess a threat to the player in all Fallout games. But they all make a living by raiding, plundering, trading drugs or enslaving people. Raiders can be as small as a tiny group of thugs or as big as a battalion like the Great Khans. They exist almost everywhere in the wasteland and had great significance in Fallout. Raiders was always a trouble for settlements, particularly small ones.

fallout new vegas vipers

:Pīack to Fallout, we'll be talking about raiders/gangs this time. I'm considering to make videos in the near future and wish you guys can support me. So this Fallout series quick introduction is coming to an end, this post is the last part.

Fallout new vegas vipers